06 September 2011


My name is Ashe Johnson. Over the next few months I will be keeping this photo blog for my Careers in Writing class. I enjoy writing, but photography is my passion. In this blog I hope to blend the two to show a glimpse into the world of photography and the daily adventures in my life.

I'm a 23-year-old Communications/Journalism student at Kennesaw State University. I have a cat I adopted from a shelter, a mouse I raised from a baby, and a beta fish I got at a pet store (ha). I was born in northern Virginia but raised here in Georgia. When I finish school I would like a job that has to do with photography or even photojournalism.

I shoot with a Nikon D60 that I've had for 3 years. I only have two lenses at the moment, a standard 18-50mm kit lens and a 50-200mm lens.

1 comment:

  1. I really like betta splendins. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to raising them. I'm an amateur cell phone photographer so I'm sure you're blog will be much more interesting than my subjects of interest when I'm snapping shots.

    Never really know what you're going to see. Once, right outside the English building there was a squirrel just laying down on the bricks. Arms and legs spread wide, not standing...LAYING down. I would have loved to capture a picture but I needed a camera like yours.

    Hope you get some interesting things for us to look at.
