29 September 2011

Roswell Mill, GA

          These are a few shots I took on a beautiful day a couple weeks ago at the old Roswell Mill ruins in Roswell, GA. These are the raw files - no editing!

          The day was a little cloudy so getting the white balance was a little tricky. White balancing is the process of setting your camera to the right light setting by using the color white as a set-point. It sounds more complicated than it is! In fact, whether you're using a DSLR or a simple point-and-shoot, you can most likely set your white balance. Many point-and-shoot cameras have pre-set white balances that you can select to set your camera to your current light settings. Often these include bright sun, shade/clouds, incandescent light, and florescent light and are easily accessible through your settings menu. Explore your cameras settings and/or read your user manual to become more familiar with white balancing on your camera. You'd be amazed what a difference selecting the right white balance can have on your photos!

          Roswell Mill is one of my favorite outdoor places to explore. I've had a lot of fun with friends here, and gotten some fantastic snapshots over the years. With a covered bridge, hiking trails, historic ruins, a waterfall and creek to swim in, the park is a great place to hang out or get some exercise... Which I think more and more people are figuring out; the park was busier this summer than I've ever seen it before! I have mixed feelings about my favorite quiet spot becoming more of a local hot spot haha.

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