08 December 2011


November 1st marks the first birthday of my beloved mouse, Ferdinand. Last year, he and 3 siblings were brought to me after their mom died. The other three didn't make it, but Ferdinand was a trooper! For two weeks I had to feed him every few hours, day and night. I had to carefully balance his diet, watch everything he did, and help him do everything. By the end of the first week, he was feeling a LOT better - and showed it by zooming around faster than a speeding bullet! He can also jump amazing heights. By the time I'd had him a week, he could jump straight out of the glass 2-gallon fish tank I was keeping him in!
Now he's hit old age for a mouse. He's spoiled rotten - he loves chasing the cat in his gerbil ball, he loves getting his face and ears rubbed, and he loves to nibble on Cheerios! I was never a rodent person until this little guy came into my life. He's just too adorable - it melts my heart!

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