08 December 2011


If you know what you will be photographing ahead of time, it is very important to prepare. This is one of the few times you can get away with bribery! On the left is Koda; she's a 5-year-old flat coated lab mix. She's the most hyper of the three and also the one who loves to lick - which is unfortunate, as she has the worst dog breath! Haha. In the middle is Arlo. He is a 100-pound deaf pitbull. You might describe him as a lovable oaf - though he's much smarter than he lets on. On the Right is Sam - he's a golden retriever mix and the calmest of the three pooches. They live at my parents' - usually it's impossible to get all three of them to sit still at the same time. The solution? Dog treats! 

This method is also helpful when you're dealing with babies or small children. Bringing small toys, candy, or something shiny or noisy will help you focus their attention on you and hopefully get the shots you're looking for!

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