08 December 2011


These photos were taken in the summer of 2009, but they best illustrate the most important part of being a photographer - PATIENCE. 

This was an electrical storm. There was no rain, only a lot of lightening and thunder. I layed on the driveway for several hours, trying so hard to snap the shutter at just the right fraction of a second to catch a bolt of lightening! It took hours, and hundreds of shots, but in the end I had what I wanted - a small handful of really cool lightening photos.

I cannot stress enough how truly important patience is. You are NOT going to get a perfect shot the first time around. You might not even get one the first hundred times around. This applies no matter what you are photographing. Even the best photographers in the world take many, many shots during a photo shoot. And in the end, you might only end up using one or two. Be patient!! Do not expect the perfect shot to come easily to you.

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